CASA Air Monitoring Station Dedication Biographies
Errnol Gray Sr. - E’Mino Bmaad-Zijig Gamig Health Centre
Errnol Gray Baa was an outstanding leader and long time Councillor for Aamjiwnaang First Nation. He served more than 42 years as a councillor, which was more than half his life. He also worked for DOW Chemical and retired after working 34 years as a pipefitter.
Errnol loved his community and was dedicated to his people. You could always count on him to take your issue forward to council, or whatever committee he was serving on, to have your matter addressed. He was one of the original members of the Ontario/Anishinaabe Resource Management Committee and served on The Environment Committee for over 4 years. He was a true advocate for environmental protection and clean air for the Aamjiwnaang community. The environment committee and community could always count on Errnol for his guidance, advice, knowledge and strong sense of ethics and justice. Throughout his life, Errnol worked tirelessly for his community, portrayed real leadership, and his commitment to the Aamjiwnaang community was genuine. It is an honour to dedicate the Aamjiwnaang Air Station in his name to pay tribute to his legacy and leadership.

Wilson Plain Sr. - Aamjiwnaang First Nation Daycare Centre
Wilson Plain Sr. is one of the original founding members of the Aamjiwnaang Environment Committee. He served as Chair for over 4 years and committed his time and energy to environmental justice for the Aamjiwnaang community. He spent his time researching and providing important historical content to the important issue of water protection and air quality. He has a strong sense of justice and fought for the rights of Aamjiwnaang by attending every Environment information session and providing valuable input into matters respecting environmental policy and industrial approvals. We are proud to dedicate this air monitoring station in his name to honour his commitment to environmental justice for his community of Aamjiwnaang first nation.
Ada (Lockridge) Rogers - Aamjiwnaang First Nation Band Office
Ada Lockridge-Rogers is a strong Anishinaabe Kwe. She is the community face for Environmental Protection. Her outspoken advocacy for environmental protection and clean air has brought many changes to policy and environmental legislation in the province of Ontario. She was one of the founding members of the Environment Committee and has been on the front lines providing many interviews with media and TV. Her persistence and advocacy has ensured Aamjiwnaang’s concerns and story are well heard by mainstream society. She sits on many committees and keeps a log of every event that happens regarding environmental pollution affecting the community. She has been involved in court cases for improved air quality and was an advocate for the original NAPS air station to be installed on the First Nation. Her many years of dedication and unfailing support to the environment department and her community is why we are honoured to dedicate this air station in her name.